He said, she said – what men think about these dresses

This season’s off-the-shoulder dresses by Chloé and Self-Portrait are every girl’s dream. Feminine and flattering, showing off our summer tan, the perfect mix of sexy and romantic. But do men share the same thoughts?
schulterfreie Kleider Chloe Self Portrait Modepilot He said she said
Off-the-shoulder dresses by See by Chloé (left) and Self-Portrait (right), both were available on net-a-porter.com
Emanuel, the consultant (46): “Only few women can pull off wearing something like this. When the dress is wide cut, it looks too bulky for the figure. A tight off-the-shoulder dress creates a flat-chested effect, which is a shame as the cut is supposed to be feminine.”
Karsten, the It-expert (34): “I love the off-the-shoulder trend, though the dresses in the picture are too short for my taste.”
Denis, the basketball coach (43): “Little summer dresses like these are always beautiful to look at. A simple summer equation: bare shoulders + bare legs = hello summer sexy women.”
Götz, the businessman (67): “The dress on the right with the bows on the arms is much prettier than the other one with the ruffle at the front; that one is not so flattering. In general I like shoulder-free dresses but I’m not sure about the opening being too far low.”
Florian, the digital manager (41): “I find the dress with the shoulder straps really cute, but the dress on the right looks like a straight jacket to me with the ribbons on the arms. Perhaps without them it would look nicer.”

Shoulder-free dresses in online-shop:

Translation by Maria Giannakopoulou
Photo Credit: Net-a-porter.com
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